The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> too funny...

too funny...
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Sunday, June 5 2005, 16:21:53 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Wellfed demands Tiglath provide proof of ALL allegations against KenDoll or he, Wellfed, being ever so exact and grown-up can`t print what are only "allegations"...and then he praises KenDoll for his dedicatioon and good works...forgetting that he allows a supposed preacher who "spoke with Muslim experts" to get away with saying Islam commands its followers to kill Jews and CHRISTIANS wherever it finds them, deliberately misreading the word "infidel" as meaning Jews and Christians rather than pagans, as Muhammad intended and made amply clear...either deliberately or out of where`s Wellfed`s "editorial" function there?

Do they REALLY have no idea what kind of danger this poses, NOT for KenDoll, but for all the Christians stuck back in Iraq..or is that the whole POINT! Are the trapped Christians there supposed to be "urged" to UNITE..under KenDolls tender care..and then be turned over to the State Department "until further notice"?

...It`s been Christianity that killed Jews and Muslims wherever it the hell did it come to pass that in Ottoman Turkey all three religions existed side by side for 400 years and were ONLY set against each other when the Europeans used religion to scare them and then attack them ALL? Whereas Christians..who "swept" their cities of all Muslims and Jews...turned on EACH OTHER when there was no one else to kill and murdered their own neighbors and family members for that bloody god.

It turns out that the Old Testicles and that sick fuck yahwe are the REAL Christians...they hold Jesus and his shining example up only to bedazzle our eyes while they kill and steal.


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