The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> 40 Lashes From Auschwitz

40 Lashes From Auschwitz
Posted by assyrian atheist (Guest) - Thursday, September 17 2009, 20:23:05 (CEST)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
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...Bet-Shlimon comes running to us all breathless about some Muslim getting whipped....we remain unimpressed because we're looking at 700,000 Iraqi children UNDER the age of five starved to death by sanctions imposed against an innocent people by Christian nations....Bet-Shlimon chooses to ignore this, or doesn't believe it, and instead wants us to be aghast at the one whipped Muslim.

He also rails against the fact that Islam denies a woman's right to drive, or swim or dance in the first place this isn't true except for the most extreme cases...which are mirrored among extreme Christian fanatics as well...but anyway, compare a woman's right to dance in public with a woman's right to feed her children, and get them medicine...and keep them alive so she can have a right to expect grandchildren and keep the family line going.

What about the rights of one million four hundred thousand Iraqi parents to have their children live past the age of six? What about all the hundreds of thousands and millions of grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins to enjoy the company of their relatives? All of these people have lost their rights to offspring, family and continuity, but Bet-Shlimon is upset because women in extreme cases can't drive, or go to a nightclub...or is appalled by the injustice of a whipping.

Are these really his values? Is the right to drive more important to any woman than the right to raise her family in peace and security?

Christian nations have robbed countless Iraqis of the basic human right to have a family and keep it return Christians are "shocked" that some Muslim women can't swim in public.

Christian values?

note: This post contains mostly my ideas, or "prejudices" if you prefer. That is perfectly okay...but not if I am citing history or what should be facts. This post is based on facts, but I haven't quoted any or produced sources and citations...but I can. For one thing the number "700,000" is accurate if on the low side. This is attested to by Amnesty International, the United nations and the International Red Cross...I didn't make it up and it isn't based on my prejudice. It is a simple fact. I used this fact to build my case...anyone can disagree with the case I make, but the figures, the facts, remain with them what you will.


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