The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> America`s New Method...

America`s New Method...
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Tuesday, March 6 2012, 0:03:41 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

(CNN) -- Sen. John McCain called Monday for the United States to lead an international effort to protect the Syrian population by carrying out piloted airstrikes on Syrian government forces.

...this is a slight variation on what they did in Korea and those instances they find a puppet, tell him he loves democracy, hire a bunch of mercenaries to be his freedom fighters, then have him send a letter to the US asking for their support in his fight against communism, or whatever...

then there`s Chile, where we just paid people to start an insurrection for us, lie we thought to do in Cuba, except Kenneday backed out and the CIA killed him for it later on...

In the Mideast now we are sending in people to stir up terouble, more freedom fighters...we encourage them to get people, who are truly dissaffected, but you can always find those, to start rallying in the streets...then you wait and wait, meanwhile your media are constantly harping on how we should save those brave souls,,,and finally comes the call to send in the jet planes to hunt down the oppressors of the people, yearning to be`s just a variation of the old game plan of disrupting countries when we feel like it, or our rich need even more money...

aand people don`t like us?


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