Another thing |
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- Friday, November 30 2007, 6:13:55 (CET) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Since these fanatics always claim that "Syria" and "Assyria" is one and the same and that people meant "Assyria" but were accidently saying "Syria", why don't they just readopt the "Syrian" name? I mean it's the same isn't it? where is the problem with that? Just say we are "Syrians" and it will save us a headache from having to spend hours explaining who we are and correcting people when they mistaken us with Syrians. But of course, those fanatics know that it is bull shit and they only try to make up this lie in order to cover up the fact that our people were calling themselves "Suraye" and had nothing to with "Ashuraye" or "Aturaye". As my brother Pancho always says, when a people give up their language, they lose their culture, heritage and identity. Assuming for the sake of arguement that we are truly Assyrians, yet this would further imply that we lost our identity when we changed language and then when we embraced this new paganized religion. Since we adopted "Aramaic" as our language, we became pretty much "Arameans" and with Christianity it made us "Suraye" or "Syriacs". From Chaldeans, Assyrians to Arameans, they were all calling themselves "Suraye" and were divided by church. It is only recently that the Roman Catholics became "Chaldeans" and than few centuries later the Nestorians became known as "Assyrians". So it would be easier to just say Syrian instead and just solve the problem if it were the same. But it's not the same and they know it. Furthermore, there already exists a country named "Syria" and there can't be another one. These boys have a whole different agenda in mind because they know that they are actually religiously driven and their whole "Assyrianism" thing is in reality "Christianism" and one can't even mention assyrian without Christianity. It shows clearly that it is a product of the west and they(westerners) knew what they were doing when they named the Nestorians as "Assyrians". this would clearly help them serve their interests in battling the Muslims. The foreign Christian missionaries had a hard time with Islam and they needed someone in the Middle East. So by hiding under "Assyrian" and boasting these peoples ego, they will fight for them and it will look like it is not a religious thing but an ethnic thing. These same swine eating Christian pagan missionaries betrayed those very same people they produced and left them naked. Ever since then, our boys scream and cry "persecution" "genocide" and "indigenous people", but they forget that at one point they had everything a people could ask for. We had freedom, we were inharmed and independent under Islam and we prospered. But you people didn't want that and in reality you are a bunch of good practicing and fanatical Christians(like the nazis) and your real problem is Islam and Muslims. It is a religious based thing. I gurantee that if all Arabs were Christians and then went on to kill millions, it wouldn't be a problem, but so long as even the most ignorant Muslim spits on the side walk it becomes a tragedy. It's not and never was a real Assyrian thing but it was always a Christian thing. I get people even today who go nuts when hearing me say I am Assyrian, and they right away go crazy when hearing that I am a Muslim. I tell them yes most Assyrians may be Christian but that don't mean every single one is. There are always people who choose others ways or have other views and every Assyrian is not a Christian and today there is no Assyrian culture but rather a Christian culture(Syriac) and nothing more. They don't see it possible for some one to be Assyrian and not Christian, I guess they think that they were always Christians. --------------------- |
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