Aprim's Accomplishment |
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assyrian atheist
- Saturday, September 5 2009, 1:15:46 (CEST) from - pool-71-116-93-101.snfcca.dsl-w.verizon.net Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...I have before me the program from the recent musical event and fundraiser put on by the AID Society of Modesto...I hear the music program was really exceptional. Even though 450 people bought tickets, the auction brought in much less than previous years and less than needed. In glancing over the list of persons on the honorary board I was dismayed to find Fred Aprim had once again pushed himself to the fore...no doubt by reminding everyone that he is an "author" and also because he held his breath until they gave in. Reading some of the others I learned of their accomplishments....and then I came to this in Aprim's... "...Fred's family endured their share of persecution and oppression while in Iraq. Both his father and teenage brother were unfairly imprisoned and tortured in Baa'thist prisons"...and then, of course, he listed his sily "books". Jeez, I thought...does Aprim really believe his family's troubles in Iraq were his own "accomplishments"? Then it came to me, of course...yes, most definitely...persecution IS his achievement... in some ways his ONLY real claim to fame. And even though he didn't suffer imprisonment and the rest of it himself, he isn't above using his family's suffering to advance him self, so he too can arouse pity. Bad show. --------------------- |
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