The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Assyrian Manifesto of 1918

Assyrian Manifesto of 1918
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Tuesday, September 29 2015, 13:33:59 (UTC)
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Website title:

"The first article of the aforementioned Manifesto declares: “The
aim and the aspiration of the Union of Free Assyria is the establishment
in the future of national government in the regions of Urmiya,
Mosul, Turabdin, Nisibin, Jazira, and Jularmeg, and the partnership
with the great and free Russia in the areas of trade and industry, and
in military as well, so that to form an alliance with Russia”. did that work out? To his credit, my grandfather, Dr. Baba Parhad, who had a hand in drafting the Manifesto, dropped the idea when it became apparent that it was going do silly things when you're young and idealistic. That's perfectly ok...but you should grow up.


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