The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Christian TV ‘prophet’: Native Americans need to ‘repent...

Christian TV ‘prophet’: Native Americans need to ‘repent...
Posted by Marcello (Guest) - Wednesday, June 5 2013, 15:24:12 (UTC)
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Christian TV ‘prophet’: Native Americans need to ‘repent for their ancestors’ animism’
By David Edwards
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 15:51 EDT

Self-proclaimed television prophet Cindy Jacobs recently warned people with Native American heritage that they should “repent for their ancestors’ animism” because they are particularly vulnerable to evil spirits.

In an episode of her web series 10 Minute Prayer School last week, Jacobs said that the Leviathan spirit described in Job 41 was often the cause of “divorce, tribal wars, church splits, family feuds, sibling rivalries, ministries breaking up.”

“If you have in your bloodline any animus [sic], any Native American blood, for instance — not all Native Americans worshipped the serpent or crocodile, many did — but you might want to renounce that and repent for the generational iniquity,” she explained. “If you are — perhaps you’re Mexican and you might have indigenous blood in you or Mayan blood, those who have Aztec blood in any way, you need to repent for the sin of animism before you begin to deal with this spirit.”

On an episode of her God Knows television show earlier this year Jacobs asserted that durable shoes were a “supernatural” miracle from God.

“We believe we’re moving into a supernatural season, where if needed, God will multiply food,” she told her husband and fellow prophet, Mike. “But the point is we were promised supernatural provisions.”

“I mean, I remember one time that I had a pair of shoes that I wore and wore and wore and wore and it just — for years, these shoes did not wear out. And I wore them years and years and years.”

Watch the video below from 10 Minute Prayer School, uploaded on June 4, 2013.


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