The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Christians...who else?

Christians...who else?
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Monday, April 21 2008, 23:13:44 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Christians clash at Jesus' tomb on Orthodox Palm Sunday By SARAH EL DEEB, Associated Press Writer
Sun Apr 20, 3:49 PM ET

JERUSALEM - Dozens of Greek and Armenian priests and worshippers exchanged blows at one of Christianity's holiest shrines on Orthodox Palm Sunday, and used palm fronds to pummel police who tried to break up the brawl.

note: I'm not "attacking" Christianity. The people attacking and being attacked in this case ARE Christians...this story is reported as FACT...witnessed by isn't Muslim "slander"'s the simple truth.

My interest is aroused by the number of times and the multitude of ways and examples of Christians behaving like criminals...including war crimes and crimes against humanity...and I wonder if the answer can't be found in the way the church teaches children:

1. Cannibalism.
2. Vampirism
3. Benefiting from the murder of an Innocent.
4. Kneeling before instruments of torture and execution.

I mean what would we think of a religion which placed little gold daggers around the necks of their children?


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