The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Deflect and Distract..........?

Deflect and Distract..........?
Posted by assyrian atheist (Guest) - Saturday, September 26 2009, 19:47:05 (CEST)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
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One sure thing, which you can bet on, is that Christian fundamentalists and extremists, meaning Evangelicals, will always hurl at you accusations which describe a way to distract and deflect you from what they are really up to; which in this case is slandering Islam.

Mr Suave focuses on any retaliation visited on Christians, by Muslims, of course...he says this just proves that "all religions are violent". But he doesn't mention the violent acts of "all religions"....only those of people who are Muslims, or what they have been subjected to which may have driven them, or any other human bean, to such extremes.

Rather than mention that the woman is being raped, he brings up the fact that in defending herself, she happened to gouge out the eyes of her rapist....he "distracts" us from the larger crime and "deflects" our attention by only mentioning the horrible act of "gouging out eyes"...which, admittedly, it is...BUT, not when it is done in a desperate attempt to fight off an attacker...but he never mentions the attack, only the acts of self-defense of the victim.

As far as Iraqis attacking the "wrong" Christians...he, again, neglects to mention the reasons they might have for wishing to harm ANY Christians...especially if those Christians are their neighbors and see this war against Iraq as a "golden opportunity" for themselves to be won from the misery of Iraqis. He neglects to mention that the Christian United States set the tone by attacking ANY Muslim country in supposed retaliation for 9/11, even though not a single Iraqi had anything to do with those horrible events. If it is okay for a Christian nation to attack innocent people JUST because they are easy to get at and share a religion with the actual attackers...why can't Iraqis also be excused for attacking the nearest Christians at hand, even though they did not start the war themselves but share a religion with their actual attackers? We don't mention this in an attempt to justify any violence, but only to be fair and accurate...which is what you should do when you are NOT spreading propaganda.

If you are truly condemning all acts of violence and injustice,surely you would mention ALL acts...and you would make allowances for those who lash out in self-defense, or because they have been crazed and infuriated by the wanton murder of their children and ruination of their country and their lives for the forseeable future and may have become embittered to the point of seeking revenge on ANY Christians.

One can understand, not forgive, but understand far better an Iraqi parent's fury at Christianity than an American's fury at Iraqi children.

And, of course, there is no hard evidence, but plenty of circumstantial evidence, as well as precedent, to give one pause when blaming Muslims for these many instances have shown that Westerners have used disguises to perpetuate acts of violence blamed on Iraqis....

The ultimate proof is that these kinds of things never happened BEFORE Christian nations brought this war and the disintegration of Iraqi society as well as law and order....demons exist in all of us but we manage to keep them under wraps...until the dogs of war are let loose...and those dogs are Christian dogs and this war was started by Christians.

You can blame the victim for over-reacting perhaps, but never without first laying blame on the attacker....and this is something Mr. Suave refuses to do....or, if he gives it passing mention, he still tries to equate the violence of one with the other....that is, it is Mr Suave who first uses deflection and distraction, not those of us who challenge him.

If that was our goal we could achieve it easily by banning him, or altering his responses and removing his posts so that we could appear to have the last word. Instead we eagerly await his responses and wish he would do better.

We don't...because we don't wish to deflect and distract...we seek to clarify and round-out and display the entire picture...we also don't condone any violence by the mere act of listing ALL the violence, but especially that brought by the attacker, the one who began it all, the one who suspended all law and decency to conduct this most inhumane war against a civilian population guilty of nothing more than defending itself and its children and country...if Mr Suave wants to find fault with them for not "playing fair" and being "scrupulous" to avoid harming the innocent...where is his equal condemnation of the Christians who began this war and brought ruin to ALL Iraqis who were innocent of any harm brought to Christian nations?

Being fair isn't condoning and it isn't's being fair.


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