The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Give Bet-Shlimon Credit...

Give Bet-Shlimon Credit...
Posted by assyrian atheist (Guest) - Friday, September 18 2009, 21:05:18 (CEST)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
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...way back, when this challenge was first issued to Bet-Shlimon, he promptly responded...he didn't ask anyone to go anywhere to read anything but rushed here to say that way back when the Muslims had killed 60,000 Christians in Homs, or Hims, Syria...and then the poor fool added, "for rebellion". So eager to slander Islam he didn't notice that he was providing the weapon with which to shoot him down...a "national" pastime with our nationalists...for, it is normal in this world for rulers to punish REBELS.

I pointed out to him that since the Muslim rulers hadn't killed any of those Christians BEFORE they rebelled...and only killed the ones from the city who HAD rebelled...that this was proof that Muslims killed Christians for what they DID i.e., rebellion...rather than for what they BELIEVED.

Even Americans killed other Americans (and all of them Christians) for rebelling against the the fact that Muslims killed 60,000 rebels, who happened to be Christians (unless he thinks they would have done nothing to Muslim, or Chinese rebels) doesn't at all prove what he thought he was proving...that's the trouble with stupid people,,,, because they ARE stupid they think everyone else is as well.

Needless to say since that date, he hasn't come up with anything else....but, we're still waiting.


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