The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Give Us Time...we never ignore a challenge...

Give Us Time...we never ignore a challenge...
Posted by assyrian atheist (Guest) - Friday, September 25 2009, 19:42:58 (CEST)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
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rico suave wrote:
>Ah, I see the big mouths here cannot reply to this with their usual attempts to deflect and distract.

...apparently any facts or books or evidence which confound you are "distractions"...maybe you get distracted easily but we manage to keep our eyes on the prize.
>Those terrible Christian European countries, how dare they ban the death penalty!

...they may have banned it for their own citizens...but they have brought death and destruction tio millions of innocent citizens of other countries and religions.
>Again, is there even one Muslim country that has banned the death penalty? All I'm asking for is just ONE! Where is it?

...Not that I know there ONE major Christian country which has not participated in this most unjust war against the innocent civilians of Iraq? Where is it?
>I mean, if the evil violent West can ban the death penalty, surely the enlightened lands of Islam did so decades ago, right?

...the lands of Islam don't wage world wars...or attack rice farmers seven thousand miles away...Islamic countries don't make and sell weapons of mass destruction and gas and biological weapons...Islamic countries don't have, as their largest export, guns and ammunition which they peddle around the world....Islamic countries may have the death penalty for their own criminals...but they don;t visit death onto innocent people thousands of miles away
>Oh, they didn't? I wonder what the excuse is. Abiding by the "moral code" of Islam? No thanks, I'll take secularism.

..of course you will...because you are white and "over here"...but the darkies of the world have been treated better by Islam, in the last 200 years, than they have by the secular Christian West.

You may brag that the West, except for America, has abolished the death penalty..but they sure have made up for it by executing, not even the guilty, but hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children...not to mention millions of others....who were also not criminals.

Of the two I, and most people, would prefer a nation that executes only proven criminals ( as much as I dislike the idea) to one which while it spares its own citizens execution, goes around executing thousands and hundreds of thousands innocent people...unless, of course, all I cared about is that I, precious me, was safe. But for how long? How long can any nation treat other people with brutality and barbarity, regardless of how well it treats its own, before revenge rises to overwhelm it? If you read history you would know that the only security is to treat ALL people with humanity and decency, not just your own.

The 700,000 Iraqi children were not criminals, they were guilty of nothing except being born. Why did America kill them? Is it so wonderful to be secular and yet to flout your own laws to murder children...and mothers...and fathers?

You seem unable or unwilling to even acknowledge this issue...even to mention it.



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