The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> "God's Crucible"...

"God's Crucible"...
Posted by Assyrian Athiest (Guest) - Sunday, August 30 2009, 23:04:31 (CEST)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Windows XP - Mozilla
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...that's me, pancho. I might as well come out of the closet. Yes, I am an atheist, thank God!

Anyway...just finishing up an excellent book titled "God's Crucible" by a professor at New York University who's published eight books, real ones, two of which have won Pulitzer Prizes...he has also many other honors etc. He is also a Christian...I've made several notes I'll gleefully share later but this one caught my atheistical eye....Referring to Charlemagne, who is credited with starting the first real Christian empire in Europe...

"Charlemagne transformed what had been a mainly dynastic asset into a crusading ideology mandating ENFORCED RELIGIOUS CONVERSION (emphasis mine)."

The "dynamic asset" was, of course, the Christian religion itself which allowed him to advance the cause of his family. He turned this religion into a bloody engine to force people to convert, on pain of death.

And, remember, the writer is Christian himself...but an honest scholar who is merely relaying recorded history about which no one of any education disputes.

How refreshing it would be if Bet-Shlimon and the rest of the rug rats could find something comparable instead of the flea-bitten "authors" and Copts they they find under rocks and carpets. We're not even asking them to bring us a Muslim historian who'll "reveal" the ugly truth about Muslim forced conversions...we'll settle for a Christian one, whom you'd think would be prejudiced...but not if he or she is a real scholar...and that's just Bet_Shlimon's problem...he can't find ANY legitimate scholars....Muslims or Christian or anything else.

More from this book later..


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