The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Good "Assyrian" and Christian

Good "Assyrian" and Christian
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Saturday, August 22 2009, 8:21:53 (CEST)
from - Commercial - Windows Codename Longhorn - Mozilla
Website title:

Now this filth bag I will not even respond to but here is what he wrote to me:

"U r a fucken shit kurd there is nothing Assyrian about u fag . How for the life of me did Sadam miss ur fuking ass I dont know any way bitch shut ur mother fucker mouth and start sucking my dick because your mom and sis are not doing a good job at all .................... Khahahahahahh U R A BIG TIME KAHBA"

This is typical Christian talk and manners I suppose.


The full topic:

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