I disagree..... |
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- Thursday, October 15 2009, 13:28:00 (CEST) from - 123-2-151-230.static.dsl.dodo.com.au Australia - Windows Codename Longhorn - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
I must disagree. The people who really run the US are using him to play the old good politician bad politician routine. He's being used as was Colin Powell when he stood in front of the UN unashamed and showed them a vile of sugar claiming that a spoomn full of could kill thiousands. And I'm hoping they invite Kayne West and during the award ceremony he jumps up on stage and says something like, “Yo Obama. I’m really happy for you. I’m gonna let you finish, but Morgan Changari of Zimbabwe made one of the greatest peace deals of all time. one of the best peace deals of all time,” :-) --------------------- |
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