The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> I stopped reading here.....

I stopped reading here.....
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Wednesday, January 25 2012, 7:45:41 (UTC)
from *** - *** Commercial - Windows XP - Mozilla
Website title:

"Okay, so even some Sunni militants can discern the boundary between ordinary crazy Islam, and the utterly crazy, once it is drawn in the spilled blood of little girls. This is a basis for hope, of sorts. But we have to be honest—unremittingly honest—about what is on the other side of that line. This is what we and the rest of the civilized, and the semi-civilized world, are up against: utter religious lunacy and barbarism in the name of Islam—with, I’m unhappy to say, some mainstream theology to back it up."

...once again, after a diatribe against religion, namely Christianity, and after having displayed his credentials as a "reasonable man"...he once again launches into an attack on Islam as if the religion teaches beheadings etc. This I find despicable and dishonest....plenty of Christians have decapitated their own children...and worse.

...and it is still true that no one has brought murder to the world in the last 100 years than Christians.....Muslims have fought back, they have defended themselves, as any human group has a right to do....Christians are the ones on the attack.


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