The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> In Which Maggie Yonan Cries Fowl

In Which Maggie Yonan Cries Fowl
Posted by assyrian atheist (Guest) - Monday, January 4 2010, 10:25:47 (CET)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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..this is too cute....

I don't know where to begin to thank you for your years of service to SpeakAssyria forum and to the participants who frequent this forum. Ashur bless you for all your hard work and dedication, because without you SpeakAssyria wouldn't be what it is today, which is the only forum out there with more SPEAKERS than READERS, doing justice to its name, SPEAKASSYRIA, which demonstrates what true democracy is all about. Magie's lights having a lot of assholes speaking, while admitting that there are fewer readers for these assholes than asshole writers is a signal achievement of her forum and of Assyria in general.

As you know and found out that it isn't easy to be an admin on any forum, much less one that is frequented by ALL segments of our society.

...actually it's very easy if you just let people write ehat they want with no oversight, no delays so that you can read what they write and approve or not etc.

Each participant will come here for their own reasons, and each one will have to adapt to the rules of participation in their own way, which is why so many will cry FOWL, thinking they are "special" and therefore should be protected when they disregard the rules of engagement.

...people have to "adapt"? In your weird notion of free speech and a democracy people have to "adapt" to YOUR rules?

We have demonstrated our even-handedness, simply by the fact we don't ban anyone, but give each enough rope to HANG themselves.

...why you sly liar..of COURSE you ban or, if you prefer and if it makes you feel better, you "review" all posts to see if you will allow then on...under those conditions you can claim that you don't ban, technically...but it's only a control speech by controlling access...and that takes "work" for your, I say again, having a real forum is VERY just make it available and then step away and let people express see, we don't have to bother with banning, as you claim you don't...but neither do we have to "approve" of what gets written here, which you you're hardly the "free" and domocratic forum you say you are...but you're cute.

Our love and even-handedness is also demonstrated in the fact those that walk-off in a huff do come back to try again, and they are welcomed back with open arms.

...and open legs too...

The AMAZING thing is that none of the admins of SpeakAssyria have EVER had to write secret e-mails to one another to decide whether or not someone should be banned, or what to do with a ROGUE participant, for we INNATELY know what will happen and how things will turn out, simply by our own understanding what SpeakAssyria is all about. That takes maturity, bravery, and confidence in ourselves and in our love for our people. This is DEVINE MAGIC, in its truest form,(ANARCHY) as far I'm concerned, because where else do three people (who have NEVER met) in REAL LIFE or Assyria, allow the process to work itself out, without saying one word to each other?

...yeah yeah yeah...we also don't write secert emails and we don;t ban and we don;t delete and we also don't DENY ACCESS..which you, nice try...your just the same old same old.


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