The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Jackass Bet-Shlimon, in hiding.

Jackass Bet-Shlimon, in hiding.
Posted by assyrian atheist (Guest) - Friday, November 6 2009, 19:50:38 (CET)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
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...he's over there where it's safe...this post of his is in response to a comment by Maggie that every religion has it's nut cases, murderers and rapists....

Dear Maggie :

Sorry , here I can't agree with you , because in many places of the world crimes could occur , and their motives could differ. But , these crimes committed by Muslims are accordance to their religion and not because they are mentally sick or for personal motives as it happen usually. he goes again...these Muslim crimes are "according to their religion"...then what about all the crimes Christian commit? How come they CAN'T act "according to their religion"? ..which supposedly tells them NOT to kill, or rape, or steal etc.

In Islam , the Prophet Muhammad himself ordered for a Muslim to be killed if he or she stray from the Islamic faith and this is true and occurred many times in the Islamic world ,but Our savior never asked people to kill period. again he compares his "savior", who this jackass believes was a god, with a man...Muhammad. And yet no one, absolutely no one, has killed more of their OWN religious people than Christians. Okay, so Jesus didn't tell Christians to set up an Inquisition..or murder Protestants...or have religious wars that devastated whole countries...but why do they do it? Why is Christianity so damn ineffectual at stopping these "crimes"?

..and, by the same token, why has Islam, even with Muhammad TELLING his people to kill left and right NOT had an Inquisition...or two World wars...or all the murder and mayhem of just the last 200 years which we've seen come from Christian countries and NOT Muslims ones?

...and, further, had the Europeans not planted what is essentially a colony of Euros, called Israel, in their midst and kept it there through war and violence, Muslims would never have had this problem with what Western Christians have done to their world.

In any event , this is my subject in an article which should be released tomorrow , will shed lights on Islam , the article is over 8 pages.

...bless his idiot he loves his "articles"...


Ashur Beth-Shlimon


The full topic:

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