The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Jumblat On 60 Minutes

Jumblat On 60 Minutes
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Saturday, December 8 2007, 20:53:30 (CET)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
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How positively delightful it would be, how delicious, to have Ashur Bet-Shlimon appear on 60 minutes…or any one of them who felt up to it….and have Dr John Joseph on there as well. We wouldn’t expect them to debate, that would be painful for everyone…but allow Dr Joseph to introduce himself, his work, awards, books and a brief run down of his ideas on this topic.

And then, oh gentle reader, what a delight to have Beth-Shlimon go next…produce his letter, describe his two trips…but most all, hear him give his opinion of Dr Joseph, his books, achievements etc. But even more, state his reasons WHY he thinks Dr Joseph has raised these questions. That would be something indeed…to hear him say that Dr Joseph is a traitor, the hell with Princeton, the hell with Franklin and Marshal College and thirty years teaching, the hell with real books and magazines and honors and professor emeritus and a college building being named for him…because these were all set up by JEWS and MOSSAD who’ve been paying Dr Joseph to “destroy Assyria” so the QURDS can have it…leaving a stunned world to conclude that HE, Beth-Shlimon is its SAVIOR!

Lord, Lord…where are you?


The full topic:

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