Learning from Freydun: Liberating Assyrian Minds & Self-Empowerment (Full) |
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FILM: Learning from Freydun: Liberating Assyrian Minds & Self-Empowerment (Full) Published on Aug 15, 2016 WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvDPBcuFr7U The Centre for Canadian-Assyrian Relations, Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Student Union, and Bet Nahrain Heritage Centre proudly present the Canadian premier of: A Man Before His Time: The Unsung Story of Freydun Atouraya With poem by Yakdan Nissan (at 1:58) http://www.facebook.com/yakdan.nissan And key-note speaker, Michael Youash (at 4:21) presenting his talk "Learning from Freydun: Liberating Assyrian Minds 7 Self-Empowerment" A moment of thanks, prayer and silence (at 40:25) --------------------- |
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