The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> On Propaganda

On Propaganda
Posted by assyrian atheist (Guest) - Saturday, September 19 2009, 20:30:41 (CEST)
from - Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
Website title:

...we are accused of merely providing propaganda...or being unfair and one-sided. It seems to me this site is anything is the usual nationalist and religious sites who deal in propaganda, and lies...not us.

...for proof you need look no further than our policy of giving all sides a fair chance to be heard...without the fear of having their posts altered, removed and themselves banned...neither have we ever provided a response and THEN banned that person from responding to us, as if to show he had no answer to make or further criticism. isn't our fault that assyrians can't handle this kind of freedom but prefer to be protected. Maybe the dhimmi mentality has become second-nature. They stay away from here not because we're not fair, but because we are...because we don't protect them but expect them to take care of themselves, make their arguments, state their positions and take whatever comes as a they would have to do if they ever actually go out into the real world...

....we've never had to ban anybody...we don't need to. People know they don't belong here, like they know they don;t belong in the Olympics, and they take themselves away after a few attempts or stay away altogether...and that's as it should be.

It isn't "propaganda" when you allow people nay, when you INSIST, that they challenge you...bring whatever evidence they have and give it their best shot. It's interesting to note that assyrian nationalists, who say they will take on the world, are afraid to talk, freely and openly.

This is the only free and open forum on the web that deals with these topics...and that's sad.


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