The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Our Missing Links

Our Missing Links
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Monday, February 26 2007, 21:02:14 (CET)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Our Missing Links

Here’s a short quote:

“ Eager to establish a link between themselves and the ancient Assyrians, the nationalists conclude that such a link is confirmed whenever they find a reference to the word “Assyrians” during the early Christian period; to them it proves that their Christian ancestors always “remembered” their Assyrian forefathers. Nationalist writers often refer to Tatian’s statement that he was “born in the land of the Assyrians,” and note that the “Acts of Mar Qardagh” trace the martyr’s ancestry to ancient Assyrian kings”

…yup…that sounds exactly like what Aprim and Jassim and the rest would do…exactly!

I already posted Dr Joseph’s note concerning Mar Qradagh’s hoary lineage…the following is a footnote to this section:

“Tatian not only did not claim to be Assyrian, but scholars point out that he was not even born in lands to the east of the Euphrates. Tatian (Greek Tatianos), writes Millar, no more came from geographical Assyria than did that other “Assyrian” with a Latin name, Lucian( Greek Lucianos) of Samosota. Millar explains simply that the terms Assyria and Assyrians were common terms then for geographical Syria and its inhabitants. See his “Rome and the East”, pp227, 454-455, 460. Consult also Asmussen, op. cit. p. 927; “Encyclopedia of the Early Church” (New York, 1992), under “Tatian”; Patricia Crone and Michael Cook, “Hagarism” (Cambridge, 1997), p. 197, n. 163.

…or ask Don and he’ll check with M


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