The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Allowing Bet-Shlimon Full Freedom....

Re: Allowing Bet-Shlimon Full Freedom....
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Saturday, August 22 2009, 7:40:12 (CEST)
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When they say "debate", what they really mean is where they hide behind their internet forums and make all kinds of demands but no one is allowed to challenge them. They won't even come on here and debate their own, yet they are brave enough to debate with Kurds or any of their "enemies"? I have invited many to come on here and debate about various subjects that they so swear to be so cock sure about but they never come. Instead they call names and try to seek a way to have me removed. I used to hate Kurds and think that they all hate us likewise and I have witnessed personally that it is they who hate Kurds and they are the ones afraid to debate even on the internet. I have seen angry Kurds challenge them after reading their silly crap and it is the brave "nationalists" who run and call names. They won't face Kurds or anyone in debates but they rather get their "heroes" to write letters to the American president making all kinds of silly demands and claims. It must be very embarrassing that a people who so brag about direct descent are the ones on their knees begging and lowering themselves in front of others yet get pissed that Kurds seized the land they claim is theirs.

I must admit today that Kurds are generally nice and have allowed them to live in North Iraq and not bother them. If the tables were turned, Kurds or anyone else, even their own, would not get what these jack asses have yet have nerves to complain and cry. It's a shame and an embarrassment for any descendant of any great ancient civilization to behave as these clowns do.


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