The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: American "social policy"...

Re: American "social policy"...
Posted by Marcello (Guest) - Sunday, August 2 2015, 21:08:08 (UTC)
from - Network - Windows NT - Safari
Website title: Document Has Moved

"And "I felt fear for my life" has been the excuse of choice for police when they kill unarmed Blacks...the cop was "afraid"...even though it turns out the victim had no weapon...just the THOUGHT that he might have one, is enough to scare the cop into shooting first...and many times the cops lie afterward to justify their "fear".

If that is the case then how much more reason does a Black man have to be afraid, to be REALLY afraid when a cop pulls him over? Chances are pretty good that the cop will shoot why not, in "self-defense", shoot first?"

-- I have a strange feeling that these cops are doped-up on steroids, fear and a small-minded hate of Blacks and white boys who act "Black", like the white kid who was shot in the back and killed... because he couldn't hear the officer's demands due to listening to music through his headphones, while walking down the street one sunny afternoon. My skinny-little self was mistakenly tackled by two cops, each weighing more than twice my weight. Fortunately, I was loose like a mongoose (thanks to pain killers and muscle relaxers -- legally prescribed by my doctors) which enabled me to be, as Bruce Lee said, "like water" and I ended up slipping away from their grip... and it also helped that my mother was there to tell the nice police officers that they had the wrong guy. The suspect they were searching for was a Caucasian male, about 6 ft. tall, weighing between 160-175 lbs. I'm a West Asian male, about 5'6" tall, weighing 110 lbs. After the boys calmed down, they told us the description of their targeted suspect. They actually explained this with a straight face, and then left without even apologizing... It was too funny for me to take it seriously.


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