The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Another Christian Who Will BNe exceuted by Christians...

Re: Another Christian Who Will BNe exceuted by Christians...
Posted by assyrian atheist (Guest) - Friday, September 25 2009, 19:32:50 (CEST)
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rico suave wrote:
>Where did you get your law degree from?
>The penal code in the US is not based on religious law, it is secular. Your comparison of Shari'a with Western civil laws is not valid. Try again.

...that is true today...but only because the Church had its back broken and its teeth pulled...none the less, this is a Christian country and says that it lives by Christian rules and those say thou shalt not would be good if Christians obeyed their Lord.
>But you are correct, the death penalty is barbaric. Western Europe and Canada, those awful Christian lands, have outlawed it. Can you say the same of any Muslim country?

...they are not "awful"...they have done awful, terrible things...but fortunately there were those, against great opposition, who didn't take your advice and leave but remained and spoke out in every way they could until those countries did better...

...I can say that Muslim countries are 700 years behind their Christian counterparts...Islam being 700 years younger than Christianity....go back 700 years in Christian history and see what you find. This is not by way of making excuses or justifying is merely fact. Islam desperately needs a Reformation and Renaissance...but, as with the West, it has to come to it in its own time..and it would help immensely if the West would stop meddling there.
>I didn't think so.

...but then what do you say about a country that uses its secular laws, and disregards them as well as international laws, along with a pack of lies to mount a war against an innocent people and nation, and begins by starving to death 700,000 children under the age of five? Of what good is this secular law if it allows such outrages? Is it only for ourselves that laws or humanity exist? Muslim countries may execute criminals, as does the Christian United States...but name a Muslim country, in the last 200 years, that has gone half-way around the world to attack a Christian country..and done so by starving to death its children?

And what do you say of a Christian country ruled by secular laws that unleashes a Holocaust against a totally innocent people, murdering six million Jews for no other reason than their religion? Has Islam done that....ever? Has Islam done anything like that in the last 200 years? It would seem, then, that these secular laws you are so pleased with (and they are a good thing) don't have much of an impact on the basic barbarity of Christians nations.

While Islam allows execution for certain crimes it does export its butchery to innocent nations the way the Christian West has done repeatedly.

All those 'wonderful secular nations" brought the world two world wars...of what good were their laws to other people? Over 200 million people were killed in those wars...most of Christians by OTHER Christians....what about the rule of law?

Did Muslims provoke or start any world war? Give an instance....

I didn't think so.


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