Re: Are Americans really free |
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- Monday, May 28 2012, 0:37:30 (UTC) from - Network - - Website: Website title: |
I just argued with a coworker of mine, via text messaging, about the capitalist system. This is a black Christian we're talking about here so one can't expect fairness or logic from such trash. He said if things were so bad, then how can I explain the "fact" that capitalism raises the living standard, creates jobs and innovates. I refuted all three very easily. Almost the entire world is capitalist, and has been so for a while now, yet almost the entire world population lives in poverty. How is that? Indonesia is purely capitalistic with no regulations, OSHA, EPA, and other services, but people are poor for the most part and even thought they work hard and long. How so? Capitalism doesn't create success for everyone or else the system would fail. There can only be a few billionaires and millionaires because more wealthy people or rich people would mean less for the few of them. They don't wanna share the pie more reasonably. As for creating jobs, what else are they gonna do? Are they gonna work themselves in the hot factories for minimum wage? Of course they create jobs since the worker is the actual producer of the wealth, but that job is for the interests of the owner and not for the worker. Sure, there are few who pay better and care more for the workers, but we can't ignore the majority who are not good people or individuals. As for innovation, this has nothing to do with capitalism and the average person does not benefit from it. The internet was invented and funded socially. The moment the capitalist brings in machines, he no longer needs workers so your ass is gone. This is actually a lame argument and desperate from a house-nigga christian. Stop fucking Jesus so much and maybe you can think straight. --------------------- |
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