The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Ashamed that these people call themselves Chaldeans...

Re: Ashamed that these people call themselves Chaldeans...
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Thursday, September 3 2015, 0:27:11 (UTC)
from *** - *** Commercial - Windows NT - Mozilla
Website title: the space of a very short time we can see how media and those who own it, and us, and everything else manage these took them longer to do it against Jews because there was no mass communication, besides the Catholic Church, no pun intended....but we've seen it in our own lifetimes; how you take a basically unoffending group and turn them into enemies and terrorists and objects of hatred, all of it seeming to be justified by the lies these same people peddle....because there is great profit and the promise of control (which leads to more profits) from scaring people into hatred and fear.


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