The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Ashur vs. Jesus

Re: Ashur vs. Jesus
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Sunday, August 23 2009, 5:12:01 (CEST)
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The ancients followed Ashur and were successful but these people follow a man they call "prince of peace" yet have been violent, bigoted and blood thirsty. How can they explain this contradiction and failure? Oh let me guess, those aren't "true" or "good" Christians. If the church as a whole and the makers of Christianity weren't true Christians, how can anyone else be better than those? I just yesterday found out that the keys to the ancient church of Jerusalem is in possession of a Muslim and he unlocks the door for the Christians every year. The keys were given to the Caliph Uthman or Umar and it was done because the different Christian sects were fighting and killing one another over the position. Therefore, the Caliph was fed up with it and made a deal and the Christians agreed to it. Until this present day, the keys are still in position of a Muslim man and this has been the case for the last 1,400 years. Christians have killed each other and others more than others have killed them, and this is a fact!


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