The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Ashurbanipal Monument Vandalized

Re: Ashurbanipal Monument Vandalized
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Monday, July 13 2009, 22:07:47 (CEST)
from *** - *** Non-Profit Organizations - Linux - Mozilla
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I'm convinced an assyrian hero vandalized the monument. They always yammer about how Simko killed Marshimmun, but they never mention that they killed the next one themselves. I was also convinced from the beginning that Deniz was killed by one of us. It sounds exactly like what we do....

No Arab, Muslim, Turk or Jurd ever made any trouble about installing an Assyrian monument...only assyrians did. And no Turk, Arab or Kurd has ever held us back in the West...or in Iraq. In every case we have attacked each other and dragged ourselves down...always careful to blame "them".

We claim Iraq forbids our language and culture and even our names....yet in Iraq we ALL speak and read and write the's only in the "safe" Christian West that we lose these things....naming our children Scott and Jennifer and Melanie and Troy...while we desperately try to become as "American" as we can...all the while yelling at Iraq for "denying" us our heritage, when that's the one place that has PRESERVED it.


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