The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Ashurbanipal Monument Vandalized

Re: Ashurbanipal Monument Vandalized
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Tuesday, July 14 2009, 4:22:43 (CEST)
from - Commercial - Windows Codename Longhorn - Mozilla
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It is also ma big deal if an "Assyrian" speaks Arabic or any other of the Middle Estern languages but it's no big deal if we forget our language in the west. They used to and still do get on Chaldeans and some Assyrians for having Arabic names but Troy, Jessica and Helen is no problem. It always goes back what we've been saying all along. This is not nationalism nor are they anything else but a small group of Nazis who use the ancients for their business and it hasn't worked so far.


The full topic:

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