The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Assyrian, Syrian, Asori

Re: Assyrian, Syrian, Asori
Posted by Shlama19 (Guest) - Wednesday, February 6 2008, 3:30:06 (CET)
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I'm not gonna go back and forth about this because we did and clearly are not gonna agree, but I will quote you on one thing.

No it's not too much to ask for at all. We should all live in a free united Iraq whether Christtians Shiites, Muslims, Arabs, Assyrians and whoever else. That is my point as well and I agree with you on that. Maybe I was taking it out on you instead. Anyways, good work as always. Take care.

If you believe in this open freedom I take it you will recognize us as Assyrians from now and on.


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