The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: BIG archaelogical find in Israel!!!!

Re: BIG archaelogical find in Israel!!!!
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Tuesday, December 9 2014, 3:13:52 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
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at its best the river Jordan is a never could have flooded a cornfield....the story of Genesis took place in Iraq where there are real rivers and real flooding...the Jews stole it and so many other cultural treasures. The great empires of that day, the Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks, Babylonians and Persians pooled their resources and sent the Jews away to get an education in Babylon....and when the Persians let them return to that sheepshit hill, the majority refused to leave because they now had experienced real civilization...only those who had remained poor and uneducated and uncultured, who never built a stake in that rich culture "chose" to return,,,and even then only because the Persian king paid them to resettle...he didn't want them either.

Of all the peoples of that region the Jews were the most backward and insignificant...naturally they gave the world "morality"...they had nothing else to give and even that they stole.

There is only one unique thing about their religion I can think of...the Jews talked back to their god...they argued with him, they tried to persuade him to change his mind...this never occurred to people of other religions....

I would have talked back to the fucker too.


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