The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Ben Affleck vs. Bill Maher

Re: Ben Affleck vs. Bill Maher
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Tuesday, October 7 2014, 2:29:36 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
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...what Maher and Harris and all who think as they do are trying to say is that "we" are basically and fundamentally different than Muslims...that we are us and they are the other...that we don;t need to understand them as we expect people to understand us, even when we mistakenly attack their countries...but Muslims are so beyond the pale that nothing normal or decent applies to them...the same stuff, by the way, that was said about Jews and Africans and women and Gays etc.

..there isn't a madness or brutality that people of the Muslim faith have committed that Christians have not committed...maybe we haven't committed the same ones at the SAME time, but we, as humans, have been as flawed and barbaric as any Muslim or Hottentot...the value in seeing this is that we stop demonizing people who are different from us on the surface only and recognize that only a short while ago we too were killing people for criticizing the Christian faith etc.

And, by the way, Islam never committed a Holocaust...we Christians did that one and not in the Dark Ages but 80 years ago....!


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