The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Bill Blum hanging his gloves?

Re: Bill Blum hanging his gloves?
Posted by Jeffrey (Guest) - Monday, June 22 2015, 3:57:43 (UTC)
from - Network - Windows NT - Mozilla
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It made me very sad to read the e-mail from Bill Blum about his health woes and his decision. May he not suffer.

- Jeff

Marcello wrote:
>This was posted on Gonzo journalist Pepe Escobar's Facebook page, sadly:
>The great Bill Blum is taking a break from sending out his monthly Anti-Empire Report.
>Bill has a really serious health problem – which results in serious fatigue.
>But then, there’s this:
>“After more than a dozen years of putting out the report, because US foreign policy keeps repeating itself, with the same lies, I too often find myself repeating the same ideas I've expressed before, often in more or less the same words. I also feel the effect of day after day, year after year, intensively reading and seeing images of the human horrors; not just the horrors, but the lies and the stupidity.”
>“The horror…the horror.” Indeed: Conrad’s line is with us day after day after day.


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