The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Che speaks

Re: Che speaks
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Tuesday, May 24 2011, 22:16:02 (UTC)
from *** - *** - Windows XP - Mozilla
Website title:

...did any of you see the documentary "The Queen and I" by an Iranian woman, living in Paris? She received permission to film and interview the Shah's wife also living in exile...can't remember the film maker's name...very sharp and and bold one exchange where she is telling the ex-Queen what life was like for her poor family and the vast majority of the Iranians who were poor and didn't participate in the good life of the royal family...the Queen asked why, if the film maker was a member of the communist party, whose brother, also a communist, had been executed by the Shah, had the film maker not fled to China or the Soviet Union, or North Korea,,,why did all the intellectual and artistic ex-patriots flee instead to France, Germany, the United States and all those decadent imperialists?

It was a good question and an awkward one too...can't remember the answer.

No one who is critical of the West wants to go live in Russia, that isn't the point....the point is that economic reform will have to come, sooner or later, and one way or the other...the insane system of fractional reserve banking and Federal Reserve private banks has to end or there can be no meaningful reform....ever!


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