The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Christian Dogma Should be Questioned

Re: Christian Dogma Should be Questioned
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Friday, December 19 2014, 23:25:08 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
Website title:

that was a delight....and it gives the lie to Hitchens and the gang who want us to believe that Islam is the worst of them...only because Islam is FIGHTING BACK,,,that is its won't lie down when faced by Christian aggression, aggression that has always clothed itself in peace and love at the same time it committed and is committing horrible crimes against humanity.

As to why Christians should be so violent you have only to understand that the religion is BORN in violence, that it demands violence "or else". If Jesus had NOT been murdered there could be no is by accepting the murder of an Innocent that a Christian SAVES himself and gets his fucking heaven.

Once you learn to accept great "gifts", which can ONLY come to you through're hooked.


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