Re: David Gaunt vs John Joseph.... |
Posted by
- Friday, April 12 2013, 4:56:40 (UTC) from - Network - - Website: Website title: |
As always, you miss the point. It's not about being satisfied with Islam, it's about what is being done. Christians have been killing far more people than Muslims. Christians forced people to convert in the past and murdered and tortured those who refused. You are playing the usual Christian game where you dismiss what Christians are doing because of "name". I don't care what name you use, you are still killing far more people while complaining about those who defend themselves. But if you want to go that route, you still don't have a valid point. George Bush was a Christian and clearly said he imvaded Iraq because his god told him so. The Norwegian Christian terrorist committed his crime in the name of his religion and so did the Christian in Wisconsin who murdered those Sikhs and then there are those who blow up abortion clinics. Americans are radical Christians and they are murdering people all over the world, especially Middle East. I don't know how you don't feel any shame to sit here and justify and defend people who bomb your country and hate you because your skin color is different. You think they like you because you worship that Jew carpenter? You're still a sand nigger that wants them to accept you and elevate you above Muslims. You're a Nazi yourself and that's why you justify their actions. As for what is going on in Syria at the momemnt and the mess in Iraq, Libya, etc, it is the US and Nato which are employing Al Qaeda and the radicals. The extremists were created by the west, as our friend, Marcelo, recently posted something about that. It was the west that spend millions of dollars to radicalize young and ignorant Muslims and this is the backlash. Wherever you see the US go, the radicals are there being employed and aided. You have to blame the guilty for this. The majority of Muslims are not radicals and never were. Radicals Christians are far more dangerous because they own and make weapons and have used them. We have seen how Muslims behaved when they were in power, and we have seen Christian behavior in the past and at the moment. Lastly. I don't need to go to Middle East and nobody said things are great there, but my parents were born and raised in Muslim countries and had no problems ever. We have had more racial problems with American Christians than we have had with Muslims in Iraq. No matter what propaganda you try to spread, all honest Christians from Iraq say the same thing about how good their lives were. You're just insignificant and will not be in business if you are contradicted. You're a liar and a propagandist and I don't know how you can feel manly about yourself. I couldn't look at myself if I were like you. I would be ashamed of myself if I were you but you are faceless. You show up after all these years of running from us and all you have is what you had then, which is bullshit. Where have you been and where has your Assyria gone in all these years? --------------------- |
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