Re: Dawkins against Islam.... |
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- Saturday, November 1 2014, 18:52:49 (UTC) from - Network - Linux - Safari Website: Website title: |
Islam is blamed for when a Pakistani doesn't wear deodorant when it's his own culture. As for female circumcision, it's easy African and not Islamic. The dumb president of Turkey made a silly comment to Iran about stoning to death and went on to say "I know it's in Quran but we should still forgive". The idiot has never obviously read a page out of the book he claims to follow. There is no stoning, no deodorant, no female circumcision etc in Quran. Western cultures are more violent than Islam and bible has far more violence than Quran. So if Dawkins would have the balls to ask me such question, I would be banned for life and leave him feeling two inches tall. Then I would finish with have a nice day, fuck you and Jesus loves you amen. --------------------- |
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