The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Dear Assyrian Muslim could you take a look again!

Re: Dear Assyrian Muslim could you take a look again!
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Wednesday, February 27 2008, 6:52:09 (CET)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

>>NOT: kindly, I don't need answer from Pancho that how you'll run a country? The Kurds didn't need anything from Khoshaba they put him in have something in common with just lack a jail.

, but let that Professor give an explanation !

...he has said to me several times that he is tired of giving explanations to every one of you every time a younger brother of Assyria wants him to answer wouldn't be satisfied with his answers already said he's a traitor and a liar paid by Jews to attack YOU....why should he bother, you're not even open minded to begin with. I can answer you easily...but you don't want an answer from me...or anyone who's willing and able to answer to you...why can't Dr Joseph resort to the same things you do...why can't he say YOU are a paid agent...and he will not listen to anything you say...see how silly all this stuf is?

...I told you before, your religious sources mean I told you before...someone SAYING he is an Assyrian does NOT make him a direct descendant of Ashurbanipal...Greece is FILLED with Greeks and not ONE of them would say he was a direct descendant of Socretes!

Get real.


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