The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Disproving Dr Joseph...

Re: Disproving Dr Joseph...
Posted by Jumblat (Guest) - Saturday, April 14 2007, 3:31:45 (CEST)
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Pancho wrote:

" that was when "Syrian" was replaced by Assyrian....again...all anyone has to do to prove Dr Joseph wrong is to show one source...just one, where any Nestorians were referring to THEMSELVES as Assyrians or descendants etc...before either the 16th or 19th centuries. "


At outset, there is good news that you are alive, but still the same stuborn person that beleive what the so-called Dr. John Joseph say.

For your information , and that is clear for you that nationalism is a product of the late 18 century and its birthplace is France. What I mean by the " Nationalism Phenomenon " is people before were mostly catogrized by language or religion, and in the Middle East the religion was very strong to a point a Turk Sultan became a Caliph of Islam and most of the Arabs submitted to the Ottomans because were Muslims .
The same could be said about the Christians , when Christinity spread in the Fertile Crescent with the new writing script(Alphabet) all the people became as Semetic people and spoke dialects that were very close to each other , the religion and uniform writing scrept brought these people together and were called ' SYRIANS / ASSYRIANS ' and let us put aside where the word ' SYRIA / SYRIAC' came from , these people were called SYRIANS and the British historian Arnold J. Toyenbee was the first who used to call these people ' SYRIACS ' and if you try to find out who were these people which were called SYRIANS/SYRIACS ? you will find that all those people who became Christians and spoke one language which is called ' SYRIAC ' and such people were of the anceint AssyrioBabylonians, the Arameans, the Canaanites, the Eblaites .

Thus, the Christianity took place of Nationalism , if you know Arabic and to be familiar with the Arabic leterature you will find the well know Egyptian poet - AHMED SHOWQI - when Kamal Ataturk beated the invading force of the west he said the following:

" Ya Khalid al-Turk Jadded Khaliod al-3rabi " this poet didn't appear as an Egyptian, but as a Muslim , and for him Islam was at the time his nationalism.

The same could be said to the Assyrian people and others in the Fertile Crescent , Christianity was very strong that took place of local nationalism.

When the winds of nationalism reached the Middle East , we and others as well were affected by it and we were exploring our Assyrian nationalism which was buried by the Christian religion and people start exposing it.

It is worth to say, that we the Assyrian people were among the first people who brought awareness to our nationalism, but there were other people who thought we were Syrians and belong to the Syrian nation and such nation is a Christian one, and this a person who wrote a book in Urmea by the name Gewarges Nistores and the book was printed in the U.S., but when everythiong was clear from our Christian Fathers that we are Assyrians, nobody took that notion period and our ASSYRIANISM was victorios .

Finally, your Professor is a naive person and he doesn't know our language to solve such problem .


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