The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Don...or anyone else.

Re: Don...or anyone else.
Posted by Don (Guest) - Saturday, February 17 2007, 7:42:22 (CET)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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That is bs...the Arabs did not thwart us at all. During the Abbasaean Period, Assyrian Muslims and Christians lived together relatively peacefully (hell, anything is better than today's Iraq) and even worshipped together in the same temples/houses of worship in many places. You can thank the Mongolians for part of the devastation, who basically pulled a Rome when they came to Assyria. In the name of Islam, they went and destroyed and murdered Sunnis, Christians, Zardoshti, etc. after converting to Shia` Islam. That partly fueled the anger between the two groups (Shia` and Sunni) in the Middle East and drove them further and further apart.

As far as those other countries go...they had their own religions. No one forced them into anything...that is until those damn catholic missionaries came and started murdering and raping everyone. There were some who did convert to our belief and some didn't, we didn't go kill them for it, the catholics did. And that action is what completely turned them away...for good reason.


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