The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Dylann Roof's Terrifying Manifesto Has Been Discovered

Re: Dylann Roof's Terrifying Manifesto Has Been Discovered
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Tuesday, June 23 2015, 16:01:34 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
Website title:

I think what's hardest for racists to admit is that whatever benefits and equality which come to Blacks has been the doing of WHITES...sure, Blacks agitated and fought the good fight, but whites had the power and they were the ones who made the changes in the laws hear racists today you'd think only Blacks voted for Obama and only Blacks are behind legislation and only Blacks decry violence against them and the continued racism they suffer....this is their fantasy, that Blacks have "all the power" and they, white racists, are now the "underclass" helps drive their sense of being victimized...because it suits their ideology better to see themselves the victims of Blacks when in reality they are really the victims of non-racist whites AND Blacks....

...they must think that the powerful Blacks (like the all-powerful Jews) "run everything" and it was they who made Obama president....when, without whites, he never could have been elected...that must gall them.

...they don't want to admit that it is whites who are against them as well and together with Blacks make up the majority...they want it to seem like it's a war between Blacks and Whites when it's a movement of Blacks and whites.


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