The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Found a good "Muslim"

Re: Found a good "Muslim"
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Wednesday, September 16 2009, 22:02:38 (CEST)
from *** - *** Non-Profit Organizations - Windows XP - Mozilla
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rico suave wrote:
>Not really. I've read enough of your posting here to have little respect for ideas. One can mount criticism of constructed narratives of Assyrian/Chaldean identity without diminishing the very real discrimination they face precisely because they are Christian.

...ah, there you have it. Kindly tell us what discrimination they face just because they are Christian...we ask this question of everyone and get no answers...just more such claims.

This doesn't make "Muslims" bad or different than any other religious group. But neither does it require a defense of Islam as better than other religious faiths--it isn't.

...with Muslim country has brought us world Muslim country has built an Auschwitz and no Muslim country has gone 10,000 miles to wage a war against civilians....there are several important differences between Islam and Christianity...for one thing Christianity is born in murder...Islam is not....Christianity includes cannibalism and vampirism, Islam does not....Christianity pretends to be monotheistic then gives you the headache by trying to explain one-in-three etc....Islam is monotheistic, pure and simple....also Islam is not evangelical, Christianity is...finally, there has been no more bloody religion in the history of the world than Christianity and no one, no one, has persecuted and killed more Christians than other Christians...and if you want to explain it away by saying those were not "real" Christians, then the question remains; Why does Christianity produce so many WRONG-Christians...far more than Islam ever did.

Like Christianity, the practice of Islam in different parts of the world has fostered tolerance and intolerance, peace and war. Especially today, anyone who diminishes what has happened to Christian Iraqis as not based on their minority status is either a propagandist or an idiot. Take your pick, "pancho".

..I'll choose when you provide evidence of what exactly Christian Iraqis have suffered because they are Christian. We hear all the time of what they suffered for their religion...but in every instance it turns out they suffered for what they DID and not for what they believe...looking forward to hear differently.


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