The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Found a good "Muslim"

Re: Found a good "Muslim"
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Wednesday, September 2 2009, 2:40:20 (CEST)
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what "evil" did Muhamnmad do? Muhammad was not a God..he was a man...a prophet. There's no validity in comparing him to a God. We don't what Jesus really did anyway. But Jesus came to DIE...that was his mission.

Muahmmad came to teach, to improve conditions from what they were...he was man of his times, only much better, more advanced...a Seer and Prophet...and if you look around the world you realize what fantastic success he had...if we are to credit the acount of Jesus with ever Christian criminal, warlord and sicko, we STILL won't come close to Islams far better record...and yet this Christian dogs take every criminal who is Muslim and say this is what Islam TEACHES!

Muhammad was a MAN, of flesh and blood...and he didn;t believe in turning the cheek...and he knew he had to FIGHT to allow his message to survive its this fool saying Christians did NOT fight???

Christian MEN, also married young girls...all men did that then...what "evil"? He fought...hell the Popes had their own armies!!! And THEY were men too, not Gods.

Compare men to men, not Gods.


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