The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: French law on Armenian killings struck down

Re: French law on Armenian killings struck down
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Wednesday, February 29 2012, 4:57:19 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: we and others have been saying all along: keep politicians out of this issue, they will merely pander for votes and donations...let historians and legal scholars deal with it...when this thing got to court it was seen for what it was, and struck down, What next will be outlawed, what next can't be mentioned?

The Holocaust is always capitalized because it refers to only ONE such incident in history...and denying it happened isn't just a metter of denying a historical fact...there is soemthign behind it, the same ugly anti-Jew behavior which brought the Holocaust on in the first place.

This is not the case with accusations againt the one in the world today is targeting Christians...THEY are tartgeting everybody...THEY are making illegal war against Muslims , THEY are callin Islam a devil-religion, THEY have legalized torture and also the legal right of their president to have anyone anywhere in the world killed on his orders alone, with no review and no reasons given...Christians don;t have to worry...Jews STILL DO...that's the reason denying an Armenian genocide is not the same as denying the Holocaust...and, of course, the small fact that it never happened.....

Christians are merely distraught to know that the ONLY Holocaust was perpetrated by them...and the word "genocide" was first coined, not in 1918 but in 1947, to describe what had yet never happened before.


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