The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Galloway interviews Dr. Aleida Guevara ('Che's daughter)

Re: Galloway interviews Dr. Aleida Guevara ('Che's daughter)
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Saturday, December 20 2014, 15:51:29 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Mozilla
Website title:

...the mainstream attitude towards Che is very similar to the way we excuse Americans for all their crimes while condemning anyone who dares fight back...Che was called a "murderer" for actions taken during the Revolution...called a murderer by Americans who not only forgot that George Washington was also a murderer, in that sense, but were willing to grace the murders committed to this day by our government, while condemning anyone who dares do the same, even on a vastly reduced scale.

It seems Christians can do as they please and no one else can.

A 16 year-old is sort of on solid ground if he makes fun of a two year-old for doing things, at two, that the 16 year-old never did...but if the 16 year-old did those same things when he was two, it looks bad for the older one to be condemning the younger for what they both did.

Americans murder innocent people, all the time...we're doing it right now..but, those innocent people have no right to defend themselves in the same other words, Americans give themselves the right to break into your house and kill your children, but you have no right to defend your home or your children, and even less so if you happen to kill the intruders...which basic American law allows you to do, in America.


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