The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: Gay Rights VICTORY!

Re: Gay Rights VICTORY!
Posted by Jeffrey (Guest) - Saturday, June 27 2015, 3:20:31 (UTC)
from - Network - Windows NT - Mozilla
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On NPR today they actually discussed the possibility of religious organizations losing their tax-exempt status in the future as a direct result of today's ruling. I thought that was pretty cool.

pancho wrote:
>...Gay marriage is legal in the entire COUNTRY...the state's-rights argument just didn't work...states cannot abridge an American's right to same-sex marriage...and people don't have to have their marriages "approved" by their fellow citizens, neither can their rights be subject to popular is a human RIGHT, not a political one.
>The next battle is against religion, and the religious knew all along it was long as the rest of us subsidize churches, by paying their taxes for them. If they want the right to keep their bronze-age prejudices, then let them pay taxes like everyone else...why should Gay religious folk be denied church weddings if they want them? Why, while they are forced to pay the taxes the church is excused from paying....and why, exactly, are churches tax-exempt? Supposedly because they serve the "public interest"...well, the certainly don't serve ALL the public's interests.
>note: just for fun, some man should insist on legally marrying his dog, female of course, can't go too far too fast....just for the pleasure of watching the religious gag and say "we told you so"!


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