The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: HUREYAT having sleepless NIGHTS Assyrian MUSLIM!

Re: HUREYAT having sleepless NIGHTS Assyrian MUSLIM!
Posted by AssyrianMuslim (Guest) - Thursday, April 17 2008, 21:08:53 (CEST)
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Jumblat wrote:>AssyrianMuslim, HUREYAT in paradise got sleepless nights waiting for you, and I am positive yo do the same.>>Why don't you EXPLODE yourself killing some infidels and in that, you achieve two things, firstly your jihad will be appreciated and will be rewarded and you will have those HUREYAT before somebody else grab them !I think you misunderstood my name where it says "Muslim" it doesent say "Christian" so I don't know no "infidels" because that was created by Christians during the crusades against Muslims and Jews. I only know of Kafirs and I am forbidden from murdering anyone except for a just cause such as self defense, murder and causing mischief. So no thanks, I am not interested in your suggestions. The funny thing about you is that no matter how hard you try you can never tolerate someone that is different from you who refuses to follow your family prejudices. It's very obvious of how intolerant some Christians can become especially after they leave church on Sundays. I see them at my job all the time on Sundays when it's busy and they just get out of church. They'll rather see a dog before they want to see a Muslim, Jew or any non Christian because we don't believe in your trinity. You are free to pretent as if you are tolerant toward others who do not follow your views or beliefs but you are not fooling me because you are obvious. I know when a person is useless and weak when he or she has to start name calling and behaving like a total jack ass when one won't follw his views. Keep in mind that it was you who started all of it by making a statement against Islam, and I am a Muslim and I requested your proof which you so were boasting about. When you presented your bullshit and I covered your face with mud and exposed what kind of person you are, you exploded and before we knew it your holy ghost overtook you and these are the results. You start name calling, and behaving like a total jack ass. It's all right because I am not going to imitate you and do the things you do. If I were to make a statement like Goerge Bush is a bi sexuell and you demanded my proof which I claim to have, what kind of a jack ass would I make of myself to start calling you names. If I were to say, "in my opinion Bush is gay", that would be me saying it and you could object or refute me or leave me to be since it's my opinion only. But that is not the same as making a statement and then saying that you have the proof from Islamic sources.

All you did is as always make statements which consider facts and then you post bulshit to support it. While you know how stupid your proof is, you start calling people names. With such behavior it is no wonder that these champions of Assyria are only known in their little circle. They could never last in a room with real historians, scholars and intellectuals. If such are the descendants of the ancient Assyrians, God help them because their days are numbered.

As for your advise about Jihad, no thanks I leave that to you and your Christians to do. You start wars and problems and we finish it once and for all. It is more obvious that your version of Christianity is very weak and empty and you have nothing to offer. Yet you want us to be Christian? No thanks because in Islam I am allowed and encouraged to get into studying and learning the universe, using logic and investigate the evidence while you have to settle on "faith" even if it is conflicting and illogical. God help you before it's too late for you.


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