The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: H.G.Wells on Islam

Re: H.G.Wells on Islam
Posted by dyslexicmalsi (Guest) - Friday, March 15 2013, 1:28:53 (UTC)
from - New Zealand - Windows NT - Safari
Website title:

It is good that you acknowledge H.G. Wells was so fair-minded in assessing Islam

I have just read H.G. Wells "A Short History of the World. 1922 XLIII. Muhammad and Islam" and quote HG Wells;

"Then for four years more until his death in 632, Muhammad spread his power over the rest of Arabia. He married a number of wives in his declining years, and his life on the whole was by modern standards unedifying. He seems to have been a man compounded of very considerable vanity, greed, cunning, self-deception and quite sincere religious passion. He dictated a book of injunctions and expositions, the Koran, which he declared was communicated to him from God. Regarded as literature or philosophy the Koran is certainly unworthy of its alleged Divine authorship.

These are the things that made Islam a power in human affairs. It has been said that the true founder of the Empire of Islam was not so much Muhammad as his friend and helper, Abu Bekr. If Muhammad, with his shifty character, was the mind and imagination of primitive Islam, Abu Bekr was its conscience and its will"


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