Re: Heaven and Hell |
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- Thursday, December 17 2009, 20:53:27 (CET) from - Commercial - - Mozilla Website: Website title: |
I pretty much agree with everything you said and want to add something. Islam talks more about heaven than hell. It talks more about mercy, compassion and forgiveness of God than His punishments. I had a big problem with the concept of paradise and getting bored etc. What I learned from my research is that getting bored, etc exist in this life because they are signs that this life is not the omly thing. So it servds as a reminder. Another thing is hell and paradise are something ghayb(unseen) so they can't be fully understood because we can't see them. I myself don't really care a whole lot about that I focus on doing good things and living a good life but because it is right to do and it makes me feel better. I practice Islam because it helps me out and makes life easier for me. It helped me humble myself improve my short temper, practice honesty etc. I am not a fanatic nor was duch ever part of Islam. Fanatics were always pushed aside by the rest of Muslims and recent or current ones were invented by CIA. --------------------- |
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