The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum #5

=> Re: How the FBI is Orchestrating Terror Plots

Re: How the FBI is Orchestrating Terror Plots
Posted by pancho (Moderator) - Tuesday, December 28 2010, 4:30:49 (UTC)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows NT - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...some one made the simple observation that it seemed odd that the shoelace and the underwear bomber each returned to their seats after a trip to the bathroom where they´d gone to arm their supposed explosive devices....why?

...after all that trouble and so close to glory, why the hell return to your seat and risk being caught---if you´re serious why not STAY in the toilet where no one can see what you´re doing?

The resulting explosion, if there had been one, would have served the same purpose.


...and this is where religion comes in so handy...because the religious don´t need...they don´t like...they don´t even WANT to ask questions...the more ridiculous the claim, the more improbable the explanation the more they LOVE to take it on "faith"...and we allow churches to avoid taxes and we now pay them to open madrassas so that in a generation more we´ll have armies and armies of God.


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